Logan Shield

As a former Marine, honorably discharged. He lives with back pain everyday. Debilitating back pain-to the degree it affects normal bodily functions like walking and even digestion. He's lived with this pain since 19 years old-and is now 34. After a bad accident during training, he herniated two discs and fractured bones in his face. Yet he still functions with near perfect mobility and wants to share this information with everyone. After recovery, he opted to go to school for massage therapy, while studying at Phoenix U (online) in Kinesiology. He opted for Chiropractic school @loganuniversity and post doctoral studies @sunmedu to expand how he could help others heal. Establishing Fixinhumans has been challenging. After many changes and restructuring it will offer many new benefits and relationship packages to offer premier services to clients



Using advanced technology, we reimagined how to assess body movement. We created a platform that delivers accurate metrics in a way that is fast, portable, affordable and immersive. Kinotek is designed to be accessible to medical, sports and fitness professionals so they can reach and teach any human to understand their body movement better.
VISIT US Alternative & Holistic Health Service OFFICE DuMont Building, 515 Madision Ave, New York, NY 10022 USA e: info@fixinhumans.com f: 551-266-5856


Qui irure ut duis est. Aliqua elit, duis, magna in. Adipisicing duis minim lorem incididunt exercitation ut. Qui et adipisicing dolor eu lorem, irure magna cillum aliquip consectetur. Nostrud ut ullamco exercitation, minim in amet ut proident amet dolore occaecat cillum minim anim eiusmod in. Eu fugiat sint eu irure sint occaecat, et sunt veniam minim esse in. Incididunt nostrud sed.


Brain wave Insights offers a unique fusion of cutting-edge EEG technology, therapeutic vibration beds, and immersive virtual reality (VR) relaxation to provide unparalleled clarity into the nuances of individual decision-making processes and helping you create new neural pathways toward a life of efficient decision making and emotional control. Performed by Carmen Dirssis Coco-Brazoban, a Licensed Master Clinical Social Worker with extensive background in Behavioral Analysis and Trauma-based therapy, she utilizes non-therapeutic approaches in helping you discover your potential and how to wield that power in everyday scenarios




Welcome to the prestigious realm of Fixinhumans Performance Biorestoration, an elite club where distinction in health restoration is not just a service, but a testament to our commitment to the highest echelons of professional life. Here, discerning clients are immersed in a sanctuary of health innovation and bespoke care. Our exclusive array of advanced screenings—Kinotek Body Compensation Analysis, PACT Sense Muscle Analysis, Digital Posture and Gait Screenings, Withings Body Metabolic Screening, and Thermography—offer an unparalleled deep dive into your biomechanical status. As a member of Fixinhumans, you enter into a lifelong partnership that transcends the conventional doctor/patient dynamic. This is a journey where your life becomes imbued with our culture of healing and performance, integrating health optimization into your daily practice. Each visit is an encounter with excellence, as our expert team leverages cutting-edge technology to unveil and address the nuances of muscular function, alignment, and metabolic health. We are not just about identifying imbalances but are fervently dedicated to crafting a personalized path to your optimal performance and long- term vitality. Embrace the Fixinhumans experience, where elite professionals like you find their




Our Executive Performance Training and Nutrition Consultation is a premium service tailored for top-tier professionals and leaders. Understanding that elite individuals require specialized strategies to stay at their peak both mentally and physically, we seamlessly integrate the latest in functional performance training with personalized nutrition plans rooted in individual food sensitivities. Furthermore, with enrollment into the "Trainerize" app, our clients benefit from 24/7 access to their personalized plans, progress tracking, and thrilling biometric tracking that elevates excitement and engagement, ensuring a harmonious meld of our program into their demanding schedules.



Brain wave Insights offers a unique fusion of cutting-edge EEG technology, therapeutic vibration beds, and immersive virtual reality (VR) relaxation to provide unparalleled clarity into the nuances of individual decision-making processes and helping you create new neural pathways toward a life of efficient decision making and emotional control. Performed by Carmen Dirssis Coco- Brazoban, a Licensed Master Clinical Social Worker with extensive background in Behavioral Analysis and Trauma-based therapy, she utilizes non-therapeutic approaches in helping you discover your potential and how to wield that power in everyday scenarios

Performance Biorestoration

Executive Performance Analysis (For those seeking advanced analysis about their body and performance) -KINOTEK Movement and Compensation analysis Using advanced technology, we reimagined how to assess body movement. We created a platform that delivers accurate metrics in a way that is fast, portable, affordable and immersive. Kinotek is designed to be accessible to medical, sports and fitness professionals so they can reach and teach any human to understand their body movement better. -PACT Sense Muscle Analysis Pact Sense is a muscle scanner packed with sensors that scans your muscles and determines their condition to create the perfect warm up or recovery sessions for your body. -Digital Posture Screening and Gait Screening Assesses vertical, lateral, transverse, anterior, and posterior alignment to assess for misalignments, and to assess your lateral-vertical alignment as you walk to assess for forward head posture, the alignment and positioning of your pelvis, and pronation/supination of your legs and feet (inward or outward rotation). -Inbody Human Biometric Scanner Analysis To thoroughly learn about your body and its condition, take the InBody test. In less than 60 seconds, the InBody not only examines the compositions of your body, but also reveals percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and body water balance; components that are key in understanding more about your body. -Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as thermography, is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that captures the infrared radiation emitted by the body to produce images known as thermograms. This technology is used to assess a person's body by detecting and measuring temperature variations related to blood flow and by displaying the heat patterns. These patterns can indicate normal or abnormal physiological functions that are associated with the onset of diseases, inflammation, or injury. Thermography is commonly used in medicine to monitor therapy progress for conditions and injuries, including back injuries, arthritis, headache, nerve damage, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, and other inflammatory processes. Standard Performance Analysis (Designed for those seeking general analysis about their Body and Performance) -Digital Posture Screening and Gait Screening Assesses vertical, lateral, transverse, anterior, and posterior alignment to assess for misalignments, and to assess your lateral-vertical alignment as you walk to assess for forward head posture, the alignment and positioning of your pelvis, and pronation/supination of your legs and feet (inward or outward rotation). -Inbody Human Biometric Scanner Analysis To thoroughly learn about your body and its condition, take the InBody test. In less than 60 seconds, the InBody not only examines the compositions of your body, but also reveals percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and body water balance; components that are key in understanding more about your body. -PACT Sense muscle analysis Pact Sense is a muscle scanner packed with sensors that scans your muscles and determines their condition to create the perfect warm up or recovery sessions for your body. At Home Consultation Analysis Executive Performance Screening *Base fee, may include fees for Tolls and surcharges for areas outside below or above 48th and 60th streets and areas outside Manhattan Standard Performance Screening **Base fee, may include fees for Tolls and surcharges for areas outside below or above 48th and 60th streets and areas outside Manhattan


“Restoring Vitality, Perfecting Performance”

- Logan Shield

Our Goal

At Fixinhumans, our mission is to elevate your body's mechanics and performance, adapting seamlessly across diverse environments and stressors. Commencing with a comprehensive evaluation of your mobility and a thorough health history review, we proceed to tailored screenings that decipher your body’s unique narrative. From this intelligence, we construct a bespoke blueprint aimed at enhancing your functional capacity and escalating your fitness frontier. Embark on the Fixinhumans journey to transcend limits and redefine the pinnacle of your physical potential


Using advanced technology, we reimagined how to assess body movement. We created a platform that delivers accurate metrics in a way that is fast, portable, affordable and immersive. Kinotek is designed to be accessible to medical, sports and fitness professionals so they can reach and teach any human to understand their body movement better.


Qui irure ut duis est. Aliqua elit, duis, magna in. Adipisicing duis minim lorem incididunt exercitation ut. Qui et adipisicing dolor eu lorem, irure magna cillum aliquip consectetur. Nostrud ut ullamco exercitation, minim in amet ut proident amet dolore occaecat cillum minim anim eiusmod in. Eu fugiat sint eu irure sint occaecat, et sunt veniam minim esse in. Incididunt nostrud sed.


Brain wave Insights offers a unique fusion of cutting-edge EEG technology, therapeutic vibration beds, and immersive virtual reality (VR) relaxation to provide unparalleled clarity into the nuances of individual decision-making processes and helping you create new neural pathways toward a life of efficient decision making and emotional control. Performed by Carmen Dirssis Coco-Brazoban, a Licensed Master Clinical Social Worker with extensive background in Behavioral Analysis and Trauma-based therapy, she utilizes non-therapeutic approaches in helping you discover your potential and how to wield that power in everyday scenarios



Executive Performance Analysis (For those seeking advanced analysis about their body and performance) -KINOTEK Movement and Compensation analysis Using advanced technology, we reimagined how to assess body movement. We created a platform that delivers accurate metrics in a way that is fast, portable, affordable and immersive. Kinotek is designed to be accessible to medical, sports and fitness professionals so they can reach and teach any human to understand their body movement better. -PACT Sense Muscle Analysis Pact Sense is a muscle scanner packed with sensors that scans your muscles and determines their condition to create the perfect warm up or recovery sessions for your body. -Digital Posture Screening and Gait Screening Assesses vertical, lateral, transverse, anterior, and posterior alignment to assess for misalignments, and to assess your lateral-vertical alignment as you walk to assess for forward head posture, the alignment and positioning of your pelvis, and pronation/supination of your legs and feet (inward or outward rotation). -Inbody Human Biometric Scanner Analysis To thoroughly learn about your body and its condition, take the InBody test. In less than 60 seconds, the InBody not only examines the compositions of your body, but also reveals percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and body water balance; components that are key in understanding more about your body. -Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as thermography, is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that captures the infrared radiation emitted by the body to produce images known as thermograms. This technology is used to assess a person's body by detecting and measuring temperature variations related to blood flow and by displaying the heat patterns. These patterns can indicate normal or abnormal physiological functions that are associated with the onset of diseases, inflammation, or injury. Thermography is commonly used in medicine to monitor therapy progress for conditions and injuries, including back injuries, arthritis, headache, nerve damage, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, and other inflammatory processes. Standard Performance Analysis (Designed for those seeking general analysis about their Body and Performance) -Digital Posture Screening and Gait Screening Assesses vertical, lateral, transverse, anterior, and posterior alignment to assess for misalignments, and to assess your lateral-vertical alignment as you walk to assess for forward head posture, the alignment and positioning of your pelvis, and pronation/supination of your legs and feet (inward or outward rotation). -Inbody Human Biometric Scanner Analysis To thoroughly learn about your body and its condition, take the InBody test. In less than 60 seconds, the InBody not only examines the compositions of your body, but also reveals percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and body water balance; components that are key in understanding more about your body. -PACT Sense muscle analysis Pact Sense is a muscle scanner packed with sensors that scans your muscles and determines their condition to create the perfect warm up or recovery sessions for your body. At Home Consultation Analysis Executive Performance Screening *Base fee, may include fees for Tolls and surcharges for areas outside below or above 48th and 60th streets and areas outside Manhattan Standard Performance Screening **Base fee, may include fees for Tolls and surcharges for areas outside below or above 48th and 60th streets and areas outside Manhattan


VISIT US Alternative & Holistic Health Service OFFICE DuMont Building, 515 Madision Ave, New York, NY 10022 USA e: info@fixinhumans.com f: 551-266-5856

Logan Shield

As a former Marine, honorably discharged. He lives with back pain everyday. Debilitating back pain-to the degree it affects normal bodily functions like walking and even digestion. He's lived with this pain since 19 years old-and is now 34. After a bad accident during training, he herniated two discs and fractured bones in his face. Yet he still functions with near perfect mobility and wants to share this information with everyone. After recovery, he opted to go to school for massage therapy, while studying at Phoenix U (online) in Kinesiology. He opted for Chiropractic school @loganuniversity and post doctoral studies @sunmedu to expand how he could help others heal. Establishing Fixinhumans has been challenging. After many changes and restructuring it will offer many new benefits and relationship packages to offer premier services to clients


